Decorative Scales of Justice in the library

Make the best choice for you and your family

If you have decided to separate or end your marriage but wish to avoid court and all the uncertaintly that omes with it, look to Cascino Law Offices to help you achieve a settlement that best fits both parties and any children involved.

Take the uncertainty out of divorce

The voluntary process of collaborative law is initiated when the couple signs a contract called a "participant agreement", binding each other to the process and disqualifying their respective lawyers' right to represent either in any future family-related litigations.

Avoid the underlying threat of contest

Many who choose collaborative practice want to ensure that each party and all children involved get the best possible settlement without the looming threat of contested litigation that comes with court-dictated outcomes.

Collaborate on more than divorce

 • Parental disputes

 • Pre-marital contracts

 • Post-marital contracts

 • Separation

 • Prenuptial agreements

Atty Deb Cascino

Let us find the best outcome for everyone. Call today.


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